Shuly Cawood, Writer

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God Asked, What Are You Afraid Of?

Last year, two friends of mine sent me a poetry collection by Jonathan Byrd. I love unexpected, beautiful gifts that remind me that the people in my life know me well.

But life isn’t always beautiful, and it isn’t always easy, and when I read this particular poem, I recognized myself in its opening line: I told God I was afraid.

A poem doesn’t have to be long to be good. It doesn’t have to meander. It doesn’t have to be filled with big words or allusions or symbols that the reader has to decipher for days. Sometimes a poem just tells you something that you maybe already know but need to hear again.

Sometimes a poem just speaks to you. This one spoke to me.

This poem is posted here with permission from the author, Jonathan Byrd. The poem appears in the collection You’ve Changed. Thank you, Jonathan, for allowing me to share this poem. (And thank you Val and David for the book!)

You can listen to Robert McCready reciting the poem here.

During the month of April, which is National Poetry Month, I am sharing poems I love from contemporary writers. I hope to pique your interest in poetry, if it needs to be piqued, and to show you that a really great poem can be accessible to all.

If you missed the others poems,, you can find them here and here.

Photo credit of flower: Rosie Kerr

Upcoming Events

The Art of Memoir & Personal Essay: A Generative Writing Workshop
June 9-July 7, 2021
(Wednesdays), 2:30-5 p.m. (EST)
Join me in this five-week, online (Zoom) workshop during which you will generate new writing, read writing that inspires, and learn some tools and techniques on the craft of personal essay/memoir writing. There are no critiques in this workshop. The goal is for you to leave with first drafts and a writer’s toolbox ready to help you finish and write the rest of your own life stories. Space is limited. Learn more here. Cost: $349. Early bird rate $299 available until May 8 or until space is filled. Register here.

Let’s Write Together!
Having a hard time finding inspiration and motivation to write? Join me for any (or all) of these online one-hour sessions. We’ll talk about a piece of writing, I will give you a prompt, and then you will WRITE. These workshops are part of Press 53’s High Road Festival of Poetry and Short Fiction. Cost: $10/session.
April 27, noon EST: Register here
May 4, noon EST: Register here
May 18, noon EST: Register here

Moments that Matter: an Introduction to Flash Nonfiction
May 5, 2021, 6:30-8 p.m. EST
In this workshop, we’ll talk about what flash nonfiction is, how it works, and why it works. Together we’ll mine some powerful flash pieces for effective techniques you can use in your own writing. This program is part of Press 53’s High Road Festival of Poetry and Short Fiction. Cost: $30. Register here.

Make Your Poetry Titles Do More of the Heavy Lifting

May 26, 2021, 6:30-8 p.m. EST
Poem titles should serve your poem rather than simply being a way to navigate the contents page. Together we'll look at poems with titles that work hard, contribute to the poem, and offer zing and pizzazz, so your titles will entice readers and better serve your poetry. (P.S. All this can apply to flash nonfiction titles, too.) This program is part of Press 53’s High Road Festival of Poetry and Short Fiction. Cost: $30. Register here.